Through the Victims of Crime Advocate Assistance Program (VOCA), our experienced, Nationally Certified Victim Advocates provide assistance to Elderly or Disabled women and men of Memphis and Shelby County who have fallen victim to a crime.
If you are Elderly or Disabled, or know of an Elderly or Disabled individual who has been a victim of the following crimes please call us.
• Physical Abuse
• Intimate Partner Violence
• Financial Exploitation
• Sexual Abuse
• Burglary
We understand that being a victim of crime can temporarily or permanently impact a person’s physical and emotional well-being, however you or your loved ones do not have to suffer through this traumatic experience alone.
Our advocates are here to connect you to supportive services that will help you begin your healing process and possibly access victim compensation for your pain and suffering.
Supportive Services and Resources may include, but are not limited to:
• Counseling, Case management, and Medication Management referrals for post-traumatic stress and other related mental health issues surrounding victimization
• Help with TN Victim’s Compensation applications to help with your financial loss
• Court Advocacy
• Completion of Orders of Protection that will contribute to safety
• Crime victim prevention education to decrease future victimization
• Assistance with property repairs that resulted from violence or victimization
• Housing Referrals
Our VOCA team is housed at CMI Healthcare Services located at 3171 Director Row and the Shelby County Crime Victims Center located 1060 Madison
This project is funded through the State of Tennessee Office of Criminal Justice (OCJP).
Contract # 35376