What is IPS?
- IPS is a model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar, depression).
- IPS supported employment helps people living with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing.
Vocational Training Center
- Adult Basic Education/GED Prep
- Anger Management
- Illness Management & Recovery Group
- Pre-Employment Transition Services
- Supported Employment
- Job Skills Training
- Substance Abuse Education Groups
Components of Individual Placement and Support
- Competitive Employment
- Systematic Job Development
- Rapid Job Search
- Integrated Service
- Benefits Planning
- Zero Exclusions
- Time Unlimited Supports
- Worker Preferences
Why Focus On Employment
- Viewed by many as an essential part of recovery
- Most consumers want to work
- A typical role for adults in our society
- Cost-effective alternative to day treatment
Effects of Unemployment
- Increased substance abuse
- Increased psychiatric disorders
- Reduced self-esteem
- Alienation
Benefits of Employment
- Increased income
- Improved self-esteem
- Increased social and quality of life
- Better control of symptoms
- Reduced substance use
- Reduced hospitalization